Monday, July 19, 2010

You Are So Useless You Don't Even Deserve Minimum Wage

Today my roommate Winnie and I went to Stop &Shop to pick up a few groceries for dinner, etc. As usual with us, "a few groceries" turned into more than half a cart full of crap. But we use the self scanner paired with the self checkout so no one can judge us.

After an hour of shopping, we confidently strode over to the self checkouts only to be severely disappointed. They were closed for the night because Stop & Shop was closing in an hour or so. Disheartened, we turned our attention to the nearest checkout with *cringe* a real live cashier.

She greeted us and I pulled my cart of groceries through so the bag boy, conveniently already stationed at the end of my checkout, could bag up my shit. The nice cashier lady took my self scanner and pulled up my order.

I paid her the money, received my change and turned back to my cart, fully expecting to have at least half of my half a cart load of groceries already bagged. Nope. Of course not. The useless minimum wage moron was just standing there sneaking glances at my crap but with seemingly no plans to ever place it into the recycled, brown plastic bags.

I was pissed. I stood there for another 45 seconds, watching my roommate pay for her groceries before I had had enough. I started bagging my own shit, awkwardly leaning over the mini bagging counter because I was on the wrong side for optimal bagging accessibility. The bag boy just stood there watching me. So instead of making myself uncomfortable and to prevent myself from pissing myself off, I walked around and planted my ass right in front of him and began the daunting task of bagging groceries. Again, he did nothing.

After a few minutes of me bagging (instead of the idiot that was getting paid to stand there and bag my crap) the bag boy simply walked away to stand next to the cashier. And I was thankful. Thankful because if he wasn't going to be useful to me, he could get the fuck out of my way.

Now I have seen a lot of young people who were getting paid minimum wage and hated their jobs, hell I was one of them. And I have seen teenagers who were getting paid minimum wage that weren't very good at their jobs and didn't care to improve. However, I have never seen anyone just stand there and watch someone else do their job. Not only did he just stand there, but when he got bored of watching me do his job, he walked away. He just fucking walked away. Un-friggen-believable.

P.S. This post took me about 45 minutes longer than necessary to write because the movie "Independence Day" has captured my brain (rendering me completely useless and not even able to bitch about my experience at Stop & Shop). Now with fewer commercials! For the second time this week. Haha.

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